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If you would like to organise a fundraiser for the The Cormac Trust, you can set up your own online fundraising page under the The Cormac Trust profile at BT Mydonate.

BT’s Mydonate is our preferred fundraising platform as it does not charge commission or administration fees.
This means that your fundraisingeffort will all go towards helping The Cormac Trust coninue in it’s objectives of combatting Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Saving Lives.

Funds raised through BT Mydonate will be in £GBP sterling. Alternative fundraising methods are also set out below.



If you would prefer to fundraise in Euros please feel free to use our Donation Page on iDonate.

Other fundraising

If you are fundraising in cash or if you are using an alternative fundraising site please contact
If you would like to spare some time in helping The Cormac Trust with its work. We would be grateful if you would send your name and details to

We would like to thank all those who have contributed over the last number of years to The Cormac Trust. There are a number of fundraising ventures being planned, please watch our web site for details.



Squareball, gaa shop, t-shirts, jerseys, merchandise.

Registration No: NIC 103452